Dr. Juan Moreno-Cruz Published in Nature Geoscience

Posted December 10, 2015

In a recent paper, Dr. Juan Moreno-Cruz and coauthors argue that some impacts of climate change will be felt earlier for countries located at or near sea-level. While rising sea levels may one day in the future impact commuter tunnels in New York City, global climate change is not a theoretical concern for places like the Marshall Islands, where plans are currently being made to move to higher grounds.  Dr. Juan Moreno-Cruz states, "Our argument is that if you want to do something, you'd better do something now because over time, you are going to lose the ability to have an impact."  In short, mitigation policy needs to be ambitious early on. For a full recap of the article, please see the Georgia Tech News press release.  The research of Dr. Juan Moreno-Cruz and his co-authors has also been featured on Slate.com.

For a full copy of the published article, please click here.

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Headshot of Dr. Juan Moreno-Cruz

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Jade Hill, Communications Coordinator
