IAC Career Educators Help Liberal Arts Students
Posted October 30, 2021
External Article: Technique
Kyle Poe and Camille Liverpool, career educators for undergraduate students in the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts, were recently featured in the article, 'IAC Career Educators Help Liberal Arts Students,' posted Oct. 30, 2021 on Technique.
The article welcomes the two recently hired career educators and explains how Poe and Liverpool hold advising sessions with students to help with anything and everything related to career development.
An excerpt:
“Part of a long-term project and overall goal is also to be an advocate to employers,” Liverpool said. “So, as a career educator, we really want to understand the curriculum [students] are learning in the classroom, so that we can be an advocate when talking to employers and helping them understand what is Ivan Allen at Georgia Tech and what does it mean to get a liberal arts degree.”